Thursday, January 29, 2009

The 15 Rules of Dating.

I was recently talking to a friend about the slew of men I've dated, and was explaining that while yes, those relationships have all failed, I have learned invaluable lessons from each of them regarding dating. Here's a compilation of great guidelines and advice I always try to follow when considering dating a guy. I chose one lesson from each different guy I've dated.

1.) Sometimes a friend is just a friend.
2.) Never date a boy who is currently or needs to be on any sort of mood-altering drug.
3.) Never date an ex-boyfriend's best friend.
4.) Never date a boy with homicidal tendencies.
5.) Drug dealers rarely make loving, faithful boyfriends.
6.) Chances are if the guy's last girlfriend has a restraining order out on him, he's not a keeper.
7.) Dates via myspace bulletin rarely work out well in the long run.
8.) If the guy you're with likes to take it up the ass more than you do, something's wrong.
9.) Sometimes being too smart is a bad thing.
10.) Sometimes being too good looking is a bad thing.
11.) Boys who live in different countries are hard to maintain relationships with.
12.) Learn when a guy is actually interested, or just in it for the booty.
13.) Religious guys. No.
14.) It's not always a good idea to try to date a guy who already has a girlfriend.
15.) Above all else, make sure you know what a guy looks like before getting too involved.

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