Saturday, February 7, 2009

Coin-Operated Boy - my new boyfriend!

So I had a wonderful fiasco at work tonight with a real creeper. This foreign black guy came in looking for a friend or two of his who had supposedly stayed at our hotel the week before (why he was looking for them after they were already gone, who would know.) After insisting for about 20 minutes (not exaggerating) that they had to have stayed here, which they definitely didn't, and I made it very clear that I was NOT wrong, and they had never stayed here, he finally went to leave. Much to my dismay, he came back in not 3 minutes later, said his car wasn't working, and harassed me for the next hour trying to get him help for his car, even though he had no money, no credit card, and no friends to call. I of course don't have jumper cables, so he starts asking random guests that are walking by. Through all this, he proceeds to hit on me mercilessly, doing that lecherous up-and-down eyeing of me (which made my skin crawl), and also asked if I had a boyfriend, a husband, and where I lived. NOT cool. Around 2:00 am his friend is finally coming to pick him up and call AAA for him, and he walks up to the counter and starts yelling for me. The conversation went something like this:

Creepy Black Guy: So, once my car gets fixed, I'll come looking for you.
Me: Um... WHAT did you just say?
CBG: I said once my car is fixed, I'll stop by now and then to see if you're around.
Me: You know, that's really creepy. Don't EVER come look for me.
CBG: Oh, oh, oh, I was just pulling your leg.
Me: -Gives him the evil eye and walks in the back. -

So, in light of all this, I've decided I need to make a fake boyfriend/fiance to ward off sketchy guys. Someone big, mean, and scary that nobody would ever want to risk fucking with just to hit on me. Now, this boyfriend is in no means my "dream man", just someone to throw in the face of any creeper who likes to make my life hell.

Name: Aaron James "AJ" Chase
Age: 25
Looks: Australian, with the accent to boot, 6'2", athletic build, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes; kinda surfer-y but clean cut.
Past: We met down in Florida when I moved there with some friends, and have since moved to Atlanta together for an internship he took, and then back up to Massachusetts because he knew I wanted to be back with my family.
Present: We live in an apartment in Worcester in the Burncoat Street area, and he has an apprenticeship with a privately owned doctor's office being a respiratory therapist.
Future: We have plans to get engaged "next year", once he's done with his apprenticeship and has a steady job.
Interests: Video games, swimming, and playing guitar (electric, not that sissy acoustic stuff).

... Man, I'm starting to wish he DID exist! Haha. I can't wait til the next time I get to bust out my new boyfriend in conversation... let's see if I can keep a straight face about it, shall we?

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