Thursday, February 26, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

I'm ready for Vegas, baby! Bags are packed, shoes are on, etc! This is gonna be a totally sweet time. I'm gonna try to update my blog every night (if I'm sober enough to do so... and hell, maybe even if I'm not! It might prove to be an... interesting... read the day after!) so I can keep some fun records of the whole event. I'll be taking pictures the whole time, but considering PritPrit decided to nom the USB cable to my camera, I won't be able to add those until I get a new one when I get back to Massachusetts. Oh well!

On another, almost as exciting note, I PLAYED MONSTER HUNTER FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT. It was almost better than sex. Although that's honestly just a guess considering I haven't had any sex for like... ever. Oh well. It's so amazingly thrilling to play a new game that actually requires skill... and not just standing still pressing a sequence of buttons like in WoW. The controls are going to take a bit to get used to... like the fact that your character turns around to run in the other direction when you move him backwards instead of facing the same way and just stepping backwards, like you do in WoW. Also, the camera... I've gotta seriously figure out how to move that thing with just one hand. It's just that the movement joystick is on the same side of the PSP as the camera controls, so I'm not really sure how the fuck you move while turning the camera at the same time. I'm not really sure how that's possible... but Doug and Jason seem to be able to do it easily, so it's obviously doable.

ANYHOW. Vegas time, Brandon's almost at my house, whoo! Good times to be had. ;D

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